2024 - 25 School Year Grants
Film Society, $2,800 (sponsoring for their trip to Paris)
Dance Team, $400 (dance shoes for all students)
Mock Trial Team, $550 (county competition fees)
UNANIMOUSLY voted with the "Team Spirit" award
IB History - $1000 (2 classes with a trip to Cabrillo College)
Music/Band, $2,500, Performance and workshop in Anaheim
Teacher's Appreciation Week, $400
Thank you for helping us to collaborate and be successful with our common goals as parents, administration, and teachers!
Grant Requests less than $1000
The Booster Club offers small grants (less than $1000) to students and teachers at Harbor High.
If you are a school staff member, grant applications require the Principal's prior approval for your request.
The event, initiative, or project must show how the event will have a positive impact on school or students at Harbor High.
Applicants must submit the request 1 month in advance prior to their needed deadline.
Note: funding of grants depends on available funds.
Grants Requests $1000 or more
The booster club offers grants ($1000 or more) to projects that will have a large positive impact on a large number of students at Harbor High.
For grants over $1000, the applicants must submit a proposal 2 months in advance prior to their needed deadline.
Applicants are required to submit the following:
A proposal that clearly outlines:
Purpose of the project
Impact of the project (how many students will be impacted)
How data will be collected to show ongoing impact of students benefiting from the project.
Fundraising efforts planned or underway
Itemized budget that shows cost of the project, other contributions from other resources.
Please state that you have received Principal's approval for submitting the request.
Note: funding of grants depends on available funds.